Hi my name is Jessica! I'm 24 years old girl whose on a journey just like all of you! My personal journey started three years while I was studying psychology at Western New England College. I topped the scale at a whopping 200 lbs. I began experience weird pains in my abdomen that would bring me to the emergency room quite often. I've never had these pains before.
After getting checked out by the doctor, she told me it's either I lose weight or if I continue going the way I'm heading I will need surgery. I was 21, a senior in college, and miserable. I was hurting not only physically, but emotionally. I didn't know where to start, who to lean on, I didn't know anything. I decided to hop on Youtube and learn as much as I can.
I started to go to the gym at my college 5 times a week for about an hour each day. I also started watching my portions with the dining hall food. The weight started to melt off literally. By the time I earned my Bachelors degree in May, I walked across the stage at 155 lbs! It took me 9 months.
It took alot of sweat, determination, will power, and self love to get to that goal. I've never accomplished something like that ever. I'm here to tell you that it can happen. Whether your weight loss is for medical reasons or simply because you want to look sexy, you can achieve it!
This blog is dedicated to all of you. I'm going to update you all with everything from what I eat, my workouts, reviews on different DVDs/products, social life, and more. Thank you for checking out Fit Girl Jess! Share this blog with anyone who you think can use it.
Follow me on instagram @jaysicka_